Monday 11 August 2008

Dami is two

Dami turned two today precisely on the 11th of August 2008. Check out the pictures as the family came together and had a light celebration.

Sunday 20 July 2008

At last I started

Good Day, My name is Bola Owoade and this is a blog I created for my daughter, precisely to record events and interaction moments between us. The problem is I started it almost two years late, she's going to be two next month in August 2008. But not to worry it's better to start than not do anything at all.

Well I intended to start this blog off with a description of our time at the Childhood Museum in Bethnal Green, London, England. Unfortunately that event never happened. Why? The weather kind of looked dodgy. Not to worry we decided to start with some pictures taken in our living room while jumping up and down watching a Barney movie (i feel like i'm two again, but in my dreams really). Anyway some pictures of my exotically pretty daughter are included. So I will sign off here, but keep you updated about my lovely daughter.

Stay blessed and have a great day.